We’re excited to offer our incredible asphalt patching services to business owners and property managers in northern Lake County, Illinois. If you need pothole repair for your driveway or parking lot, get a free quote from Armored!
Our asphalt contractors use tried-and-true patching methods to quickly and effectively repair potholes. We’ll evaluate the surface deterioration of your pavement to determine the best path forward. We know how bad potholes can get in the winter. And depending on the weather, it may be too cold or wet for repair. When potholes are deep and large enough to cause real concern, give us a call to find out more about our patching solutions and how soon we can help you. We’ll get you on the books as soon as weather permits, and may be able to provide temporary solutions in the meantime. During peak service seasons, we’ll serve you as promptly as possible.
Areas we serve include Winthrop Harbor, Zion, Beach Park, Waukegan, and Antioch. Wondering if we serve your area? Give us a call at 262-515-4150.
At Armored, we can help you with every facet of asphalt maintenance & repair. Whether we’re servicing your driveway or parking lot, you can trust Armored to get the job done right. We are proud to offer quality maintenance services, including:
- Seal Coating – this is the heart of our business. Applying two coats of sealant on every job, we promise high-quality, longer-lasting results. Get a sealcoating quote for your pavement!
- Crack Filling – before we seal pavements, crack filling is necessary to guarantee the strongest protection. We’re happy to stop by on off years as well to fill cracks that may appear.
- Striping – our commercial asphalt maintenance services include parking lot striping. We’ll maximize your parking space and effectively control traffic patterns with expert striping services.
Ready to schedule asphalt maintenance & repair? Interested in a free quote? Contact us!